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Parours 1 Espace Trail Caroux Epinouse  


The departure is on the road to Pézènes les Mines, near the accrobranche (tree climbing site). Signposts to follow. The departure is pleasant: shaded and regular slope. The passage of the D 908 marks your passage on the causse. You pass above the Roc Rouge climbing site, follow the yellow PR markers of the Balcons de l'Orb. The path is very playful, very pleasant and its slope allows you to run most of the time.
Shortly after the passage near the photovoltaic power station you descend to the Bousquet de la Balme and the Mas Blanc. The latter marks the beginning of a long passage along the Orb.
The crossing of Bédarieux takes you back to the Tuilerie hall, then across to the foot of the climbing site. Beware, the ford at the Courbezou stream may prevent passage during periods of flooding. A new crossing of the D 908 brings you back to the starting point by taking the fitness trail.



> Check the weather forecast.

> Find out about the state of the route.

> Inform someone close to you about your itinerary and the planned times.

> Take water and food.


> Stay on the marked paths for your safety and to preserve the vegetation. Do not cut the laces.

> Respect the natural environment and the properties crossed; close the barriers.

> Respect the highway code, which applies to all sections of the route that use public roads.

> Don't litter and keep your rubbish with you.


The courses are equipped with specific trail markers. Follow the course number indicated on the marker. Between two trail markers, follow the existing hiking markers:

balisage trail

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