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  [Information from 1 January 2025] The trail is now CLOSED and is no longer accessible to walkers. You can consult other walks available on the tourist office website

Take the GR77 to go up to the Notre Dame de Trédos Chapel, via the Poirier pass. At the chapel, take some time to enjoy the meadow, the exposure and the view. Beware of the signposting, this is an important hiking junction and it is easy to get lost. The return to Saint Pons is pleasant and mainly downhill. The entrance to the Voie Verte is not to be missed!


picto watertoiletsPrémian city hall car park
bar coktailconveniencestorePrémian and Saint Pons


rando tredos 03 grand rando tredos 05 grand

etape suivante droite grpetape suivante gauche grp


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